i always forget this place has several forums. one time, i accidentally asked for art advice in the animation forum and FREAKED OUT. to be fair, I'm very new to forums! i then realized you can't DELETE FORUM POSTS! so i quickly edited it to something animation related, just to cover my tracks. i guess now that i'm posting about it, it's not really a secret anymore..
i wish i used the forums more often, but it's like someone wipes my memory every time i remember they exist. i think the community on here is much cooler + nicer than the art communities on other websites. i avoided newgrounds for a while because everyone told me it was for edgelords + edgelords ONLY. i thought everyone would hate me on here, but that never happened. i get to see cool art + awesome creators + my art isn't instantly dumped into an AI sludge machine by its creators. I'll try my best to check the forums more often.
i always preferred news posts over forum posts tbh
fair enough. i like news posts a lot too